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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh baby...

Hey everyone, this is Ryan updating. Well Melissa and I have come to an agreement about a name for the new baby. Come the end of December, (hopefully December for tax purposes. hehe) we will be introducing Keegan Michael Betz. I am very excited and cannot wait to meet the new little guy, and with as small as Hunter was when he was born, I'm sure Keegan will be just as small.
Hunter is doing very well, he is eating real food now and we have stopped using formula completely and only feed him baby food if we are traveling or haven't made anything for him. He eats the same food that we do with the exception of fruits that have a high sugar content and fruits that are very acidic. He sure is getting big though; which is a very good thing. :)
Work is also going very well. I have been training on first shift (8am-4pm) and I start on second shift tomorrow. (3pm-11pm) I am feeling very good about the decision to take this job and believe that I am a very good fit at the clinic. My team at the clinic is very knowledgeable and I can learn a lot from them.
Melissa has started classes and she is going to enjoy them very much. (So she says right now) Being that they are classes that pertain to her major and she has no labs, I'm sure that this semester will be a whole lot easier than last. It's hard to believe that we have a year and a half in the Arbor before Melissa graduates and joins the real world. :) I'm very proud of her and she has worked very hard to get where she is today. Thanks for reading and enjoy the final days of warm weather! :o)

1 comment:

The Paulk's said...

I LOVE that name, very cute. I'm proud of Melissa too, she's got a lot on her plate but is doing such a great job (as are you, Ryan). Good to see an update from Ryan :). I can't for the life of me get Ty to join the "blogging world" but that's alright :)...

Glad you all are doing well.